Disorderly Conduct
Nothing is worse than getting caught with a crime that you didn’t commit or have no intention towards it in the first place. Sure things got a little out of hand the other night. When the police showed up everything calmed down, but they issued these disorderly conduct tickets anyway. That little ruckus could lead to your guns and voting rights being taken away. In the end, you will be charged with criminal offense which leads to you being behind bars.
Call Mullen, Schlough & Associates in this kind of situation. We have the lawyers on our team who will find and understand the complete scenario and prepare a strategy where you come out of this mess with your dignity. Call us today at 1-888-375-3056.
Probation & Parole Revocation
You’re on probation for this stupid little misunderstanding that happened a couple years ago. Now your PO is saying you violated some nit-picky rule and you’re looking at time in jail after being so good for so many months. It’s like they don’t even care about that. We care and will go to the end telling everyone why you’re getting railroaded for nothing.
Our lawyers have vast experience defending criminal charges and protecting the rights and interests of our clients. We will help you avoid jail and preserve your right to liberty, as well as your good record. We have the lawyers on our team who will find and understand the complete scenario and prepare a strategy where you come out of this mess with your dignity. Call us today at 1-888-375-3056.
Criminal Appeals
So you were convicted of a criminal offense, but it just wasn’t right. There was so much more to the story that didn’t come out at trial. You got railroaded and now have this charge on your permanent record, This is not justice and it’s not right.
Our lawyers have vast experience defending and appealing criminal charges. Protecting the rights and interests of our clients is what we do and all we do. We will help you avoid jail and preserve your right to liberty, as well as your good record. We have the lawyers on our team who will find and understand the complete scenario and prepare a strategy where you come out of this mess with your dignity. Call us today at 1-888-375-3056