
What to know about DUI Laws

What to know about DUI Laws. DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and OWI (Operating While Intoxicated) are both serious crimes but in Wisconsin there are many factors you should know about as they may impact your conviction.  While a DUI charge can be, and often are, a strain on your life, try not to panic. Keep in [...]



What should I do if I have a DUI?

What should I do if I have a DUI? Receiving a DUI charge can be a frightening wake up call and, if not handled properly, you can slip down a bad path of financial issues, freedoms and other necessities for a happy life. But not all OWI charges lead to convictions. Before you panic, schedule a free[...]



What are Some Drug Driving Facts.

What are Some Drug Driving Facts. Most drivers do not associate a DUI with drug driving but “intoxication” goes beyond alcohol to include weed and prescription or even over-the-counter medications too! In Wisconsin, drug offenses are categorized based on the substance, amount and the prior record of the offender. They are also classified by the level of[...]