Taylor County vs. Citizen Accused of Multiple First Degree Sexual Assault and Armed Robbery A client had been charged with multiple felony counts that could have led to over 150 years of imprisonment. The attorneys at Mullen, Schlough & Associates SC were able to investigate the matter and show that law enforcement did not properly investigate and […]
Clark County vs. Citizen Accused of Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child The client was accused of multiple sexual contacts with a child under age 13. After researchingthe alleged timeline of the alleged assaults, and extensive investigation by the Firm, the endresult was a two-pronged attack – rationale for the child to not be disclosing the truth[…]
Eau Claire County vs. Domestic Disorderly Conduct and Domestic Battery Attorney Mullen showed the prosecution, due to the nature of relationships among all parties involved, such a case would be fruitless for the State to try to win at trial. Such cases were dismissed entirely due to Attorney Mullen and various prosecutors experience in such areas. ***Case[…]