Over 1.4 million drivers have been arrested in the past year for driving under the influence, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A DUI (driving under the influence) or OWI (operating while intoxicated) isn’t just beer and cute cocktails , it also includes drugs like prescribed medication or weed.
When a driver’s blood alcohol content goes above the lawful level somewhere in the range of 0.05% and 0.08%, it becomes a criminal offense. And an aggravated classification of this offense can exist in certain jurisdictions throughout Wisconsin when the blood alcohol content goes over 0.12%. The driver, contingent upon the jurisdiction, could even be sentenced! This is why one should speak to an OWI / DUI defense attorney as soon as the driver is arrested for a DUI.
An OWI or DUI criminal defense lawyer is an expert attorney who specializes in OWI, DUI and DWI cases and represents the accused driver and charged with the DUI or OWI. Mullen, Schlough & Associates S.C., in Chippewa Falls has handled such cases in Chippewa County, Eau Claire County, Dunn County and Barron County has been specializing in Wisconsin DUI laws for over 20 years.
A DUI defense lawyer will explains the DUI charges to a client and recommend the best strategy to follow so their time in court has successful results. The DUI attorney will also collect and organize all of the details plus handle any administrative procedures involved. Taking that load off of the accused shoulders is a big relief.
When fighting a DUI/ OWI criminal offense case, the state and prosecution will try to prove that the defendant is guilty. But a DUI/ OWI criminal defense lawyer will defend the driver’s rights and status against any proof the prosecution may introduce. OWI / DUI defense attorney can set up a defense argument to present in court and provide tremendous support.
The court process for an DUI offense may be very long for this kind of conviction. If you are accused of driving under the influence (DUI) crimes or operating while intoxicated (OWI), you’ll appear at many hearings beginning with the Department of Motor Vehicles and concluding with a final hearing at the County or State Court.
You may plead guilty to these charges but an experienced OWI / DUI defense lawyer will fight on your behalf to get a large number of your charges dropped or even reduced early in the process. A DUI / OWI defense attorney may, for example, suggest that you enter a plea bargain or sentence bargain. Or your experienced OWI attorney may file a motion to overthrow statements if you’ve arrested. Your criminal defense attorney can even schedule an evidentiary hearing to reveal the evidence that the persecution holds against you.
It’s important to obtain all of the proof available at the time of arrest in order to cross-examine efficiently and have the option to compare those details with the witness’ testimony. The role of a DUI/ OWI defense attorney is to focus on the questions being asked in order to counter the prosecution’s argument. While the state witness testifies on direct assessment by the prosecutor.
Hiring a defense law firm such as Mullen, Schlough & Associates S.C. means you will have highly organized OWI experts with competent critical thinking skills on your side to best assess your best options.
DUI / OWI defense lawyers should have deep knowledge about their state’s drunk and drugged driving laws. As OWI criminal defense attorneys, it’s their duty to have expertise in Wisconsin OWI criminal defense laws so to help you understand your rights and options. In the end this will help with your negotiations with prosecution.